Chiropractic Care for Colic
Any parent that has had a “colicky” baby KNOWS how horribly frustrating and upsetting it can be. Ask them. They will still cringe.
Not only does your parent-heart just ache for your baby in distress, but you have a crying baby that will not be consoled even when you tried EVERYTHING. This takes a toll on parents who aren’t able to sleep… enough… for weeks…
Let’s all agree that colic is no fun, and it’s super stressful for everybody involved.
What is Colic?
Colic is defined as uncontrolled crying without a distinguishable cause that lasts for at least three hours a day and for at least three weeks. Even though up to 20% of babies will exhibit symptoms of colic, there aren’t any factors that can identify which babies will be affected. Boys and girls get it at similar rates. The problem typically begins in the first two or three weeks of life and resolves within a few months.
Colic Diagnosis
Continuous crying over long periods without a known reason is the main way colic is diagnosed by medical doctors. Sometimes a baby will clench his fists, draw his legs up to his stomach, arch his back, or extend his arms and legs, but the crying is the constant. Colic is NOT episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss, so if your baby has these symptoms too please consult your pediatrician.
What Helps Colic?
There is PLENTY advice out there about what to do for a colicky baby: your pediatrician, searching Dr. Google, your friends that are moms, your friends that are not moms, and that random nosey lady at Target… many will offer tips and tricks to help. All coming from a place of good intentions.
First and foremost, run all advise and options through your own personal filter. You get the final say on what happens with your baby. Do some research, become adequately informed, and then make the choice that is best for your family.
Chiropractic Care for Colic
You may have heard of other parents taking their baby to a pediatric chiropractor for colic relief.
What I have found in my office is that inconsolable crying is often a sign of excessive tension in baby’s muscles, fascia, and/or neuro-dural tissue. My favorite chiropractic methods to assess and address colic are sacro-occipital technique (SOT) and cranio-sacral techniques (CST), because they are very gentle and super effective for tense tissue release work. I also teach parents home care that they care easily do with baby at home and in between chiropractic visits.
For example, my colleague and fellow chiropractor Dr. Liz Berg demonstrates the technique I also teach parents to do on their infants at home.
If you know of a miserable baby (or parents) that need colic relief, tell them about chiropractic! Or contact us for more information.
Dr. Kristen Hager, DC
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